Cross-Cultural Communication: Getting It Right

How to Avoid Business Etiquette Blunders

Etiquette is a substantial part of building business relationships. Even though the word etiquette tends to be seen as pretentious or old fashioned, the concept is still very much alive and prevalent in business today. On a global scale, business etiquette has the power to make or break your deals, partnerships, and relationships.

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Standard Isn’t Standard

Transcreation isn’t just about words and numbers. It’s about culture, too. Translating between cultures is an important part of translation when it comes to doing business on an international scale. Not only do you have to know what to say and how to say it, but you have to be familiar with the way in which communication happens in the various countries in which you have business dealings.

Learn Before You Go

If you’re going to meet with a business partner or prospect in another country, make sure you do the research required to know exactly what’s expected of you. You’re the guest, so you should know the business etiquette that is expected. While your partners might forgive a few minor mistakes that only natives would know, cultural information that is widely available should be information that you come to the table knowing.

Get Help From Professionals

Transcreation experts can help you learn the business etiquette tips you’ll need to know before you go. Even if your meeting is online or through digital means, you still need to be prepared as you try to establish or maintain business relationships in other countries. The specialist services can help you prepare because they have a wide range of experts available who know the ins and outs of business etiquette in nearly every country on the planet. The experts help you master business etiquette and stand out at your next meeting or visit.

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